Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cheezing my effing balls off (or how I came to embrace the alternative Big Mac index)

I'm a big fan of The Economist's Big Mac Index - it is a great way to understand the purchasing power of the US dollar in other countries. Imagine how McExcited I was to see their listing of an alternative to the Big Mac Index, which lists the average time needed to work before you make enough of the sweet green to buy a tasty sandwich!

Take a look at Nairobi, where it takes workers, on average, nearly three hours to make enough cash to buy a Big Mac. These Nairobi-ites obviously need to ramp up their work ethic if they want to eat - no more free rides, folks.

(nice going Chicago!)


  1. Uhh. Not to be too technical, but it's "Nairobian".

    Off to work 15 minutes then eat a big mac.

  2. Oh, my mistake - I'm SO sorry.

    By the way - do you have a blog, David? Oh, that's right - I didn't think so. I make the decisions around here, guy! Take your communist-sympathizing vocabulary somewhere else.

    (how was the Big Mac? - it was good, right?)

  3. Thanks for posting that, Vargo. That's enlightening. (get it? - cause it's bright with all the lights and is also interesting)
