Thursday, May 27, 2010

No updates for a while

I just moved to a new place without internet (for the time being) and am headed on a long vacation (the longest I've had since I started my job two years ago, actually) in the Southwest, so probably no substantive updates for a while (not that there have been that many recently). Speaking for myself, I know you'll all miss me very much.

Headed here:

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sometimes I think I'm gonna lose my mind
But it don't look like I ever do
I've loved so many people everywhere I went
Some too much, and others not enough

Well I don't know
I may go down or up or anywhere
But I feel like this scribbling might stay

Maybe if I hadn't seen so much hard feelings
I might not could've felt other people's
So when you think of me, if and when you do
Just say, "Well, another man's done gone"

Well, another man's done gone

-- Woody Guthrie